Mit dem ECOSOC bei den Vereinten Nationen verbundene NGO
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Auf dem Weg zur Weltbürgerschaft Nr. 4.

It is almost a year since some 60 representatives of IBVM and CJ schools met in Pretoria, for that engaging Conference which delivered the “Mary Ward Schools Compass”.  And, two years ago a smaller group met in South Korea for a UN Conference on Education for Global Citizenship.  The NGO Office celebrates these milestones wGlobal Citizenship No 4ith Towards Global Citizenship No 4. It includes wonderful contributions from Australia, Canada, Kenya, India, Italy, Mauritius, Nepal, South Africa and Spain.  We have a reflection on Global Citizenship, information on school policy and ongoing teacher learning.  Then we see ways in which the present curriculum contributes to educating for global citizenship. We are using the SDGs, Model United Nations and our present JPIC as tools.  We have an example of some cutting -edge work and of collaboration with a UNESCO project, with the World’s Largest Lesson and with Millennium Kids.  And, in case you have not noticed yet, we have the invitation to take part in the process leading up to the 2019 ECOSOC Youth Forum – an opportunity to allow youth between 16 and 35 make their voice heard.
