NGO Associated With ECOSOC At The United Nations
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Women of the Universe Will Continue to Rise

Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s empowerment. It brings together Government Officials, Civil Society Organisations, Experts, and Activists from around the world. The aim, as I understand, is to assess the progress made towards achieving the Gender Equality since the last conference. They discuss successes, setbacks, and persistent challenges, providing valuable insights into what works and what needs improvement.

There were thousands of side events, taking place in and around the UN. I gained invaluable insights into the diverse experiences and perspectives of women and girls worldwide. From hearing firsthand accounts of the challenges faced by women in conflict-affected areas to learning about innovative solutions developed by grassroots organizations. I gained a deeper understanding of the intersectional nature of gender inequality and the importance of addressing its root causes. I could sense the interest in every person at the event to engage, become aware, learn, build contacts. I felt energized seeing the youth involvement especially collaborative effort of Working Group on Girls, letting the voice of the girls heard at the UN.

I had the opportunity to attend and engage in a meaningful conversations with the Permanent Representative of Nepal to the UN H. E. Mr.Lok Bahadur Thapa and his deputy Mr.Kaushal Kishore Ray, as well as the NGO representatives in 4 side events where Nepal was either in the panel or the sponsor of the event. In our open discussion with the team it became an imperative that we need to work in collaboration with all the civil Societies, UN agencies then support the local Government to come up with effective policies, bring reform in the existing policies, allocate needed budget, implement the policies, and evaluate the progress locally.

I recall the conversation that I had with Deborah Akech Kuocnin, a youth representative from the Government of South Sudan, during the Youth Conversation circle. Taking care of the  needs and rights of citizens is primarily the duty of the Government of the land. When the people are not taken care of by the Government of the land the citizens would take note of it and approach the Government to demand for their rights.

This is the ADVOCACY CULTURE that all Civil Society collaborators need to consider. Whenever other important new needs emerge for the people, we would have to go to the Government on behalf of the people for a solution, for better policies, laws and schemes. The irony is most of us wish to run parallel to the Government. I am confirmed the world has now enough policies, what we need is collaborative implementation.

The main take away for me is, the memory of being at this sacred space, witnessing thousands of persons, 193 member states, echoing their voices in this era of information, in total freedom. Everyone is wishing peace and talking wisdom. I was fortunate to engage with lot of diverse persons. The women of the universe will continue to rise by lifting the creation.

Author: Smitha Muthu, CJ
